
This is a topic that is really, really, important to me because I have really, really, experienced the lack of it a time or two....or 50.

Goodness-of-fit (let's just call that GOF) is a bit of a buzzword people like to throw around to describe that ideal match between employer and employee. Employers want (or should want) happy, productive employees, and employees want to not hate their employer. So it would seem logical and in everyone's best interest to aim for GOF. Then why is it sometimes so lacking?

GOF is more than just the employee/employer dynamic. I have observed or directly experienced a lack of GOF when it comes to: working privately with consultation clients, being assigned cases at an ABA company, families/parents being assigned ABA staff, and supervisors/BCBA's being assigned direct level staff or supervisees.

In each of those areas, it is crucial for overall success that team cohesiveness, compatibility, and mutual respect occur. But in each of those areas, I have seen it not occur. The consequences of a lack of GOF are weighty, and unfortunately can lead to preventable fallout such as staff burnout or client termination (initiated by the parent).
If you are an ABA peep working in this field, you likely can think of an example when you were paired up with a co-worker, supervisee, or supervisor and GOF was lacking.
If you are a parent receiving ABA services, I'm sure a few examples come to your mind of a therapist or two that just lacked GOF with your family.

This is an issue that affects all of us, because ABA therapy/consultation always requires a team. That team could be the BCBA and RBT, it could be the parent and the BCBA, it could be the employer and their employees, but each of those teams can quickly fall apart when GOF is not considered.
For example:

RBT's/Direct staff - Do the other RBT's on the team work collaboratively with you towards client success? Do they respond to your notes/questions/emails/texts? Are schedule/hours changes discussed as a team, and agreed upon by everyone? Are the other therapists open to you observing them as a learning opportunity and vice-versa? Does the BCBA/supervisor on the team support you and make you feel valued?

BCBA's/Supervisors - Are the other BCBA's you work with a helpful place to brainstorm or safely vent? Do your supervisees respond appropriately to feedback and demonstrate appreciation for the time and energy you pour into them? Do you feel that your caseload resides in that sweet spot between where your expertise lies and areas where you need to grow and stretch? Do the people you supervise, teach, or train, support you and make you feel valued?

Parents/Families - Does the ABA team welcome your input and suggestions regarding treatment? Does the ABA team respond promptly to your notes/emails/voicemails? Are you not only allowed, but encouraged, to regularly join therapy sessions as a learning opportunity? Do you feel comfortable addressing conflict or disagreement with the ABA team, and having respectful communication? Does the ABA team seem to have the goal of supporting and valuing your child?

Employees (ABA peeps in general) - Do you know the mission statement and vision of the ABA company/organization you work for? Is there potential for growth at your current employer, either promotions, new responsibilities, or areas of professional development? How many of your colleagues regularly experience burnout, and how does your employer respond to that? Does the work culture at the organization stifle or embrace individuality? Does your employer support you and make you feel valued?

One of my favorite quotes at the moment is "Employees join companies, but leave managers". Yup, accurate.
Personally, I've been that unhappy employee who loves the job but hates the management/ownership.....which over time will turn you into an employee who hates the job.

Lack of GOF is often blamed on the individual and not the situation. Like the alpha dog BCBA who keeps clashing with the alpha dog parent. Or the micromanaging employer who keeps clashing with the autonomous employee. Or the naturally inquisitive RBT who keeps clashing with the BCBA who receives questions as criticism.

Continuing to shove a square peg into a round hole may eventually work (if you shove hard enough), but I doubt that square peg will be very productive or useful to anyone in that position.

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